干貝蘿蔔球 Sautéed Daikon Balls with Dried Scallop

材料 Ingredients
白蘿蔔 Daikon 1-1/2 磅 lb (675 g)
干貝 Dried scallop 8 粒 each
油 Cooking oil2 大匙 Tbs
蔥 Scallion1 支 stalk
薑 Ginger2 片 Slice
雞高湯 Chicken stock 2 杯 cup
清炒醬汁 Light sauté sauce 1 份 portion

3.油 2 大匙燒熱﹐放進蔥段和薑片用小火煎香。撈出蔥薑不要。

1.Refe to Handling Dried Scallops to prepare the dried scallops into thick strips. Peel the daikon and scoop it into small balls. Wash and cut the scallion in half.
2.Prepare the Light Sauté Sauce.
3.Heat 2 tbs. of oil. Add the scallions and ginger and pan-fry at low heat until aromatic. Then, discard the scallions and ginger.
4.Add the shredded scallops and the daikon. Stir several times.
5.Add the Light Sauté Sauce and chicken stock and let the mixture boil again. Reduce the heat to medium-low. Cover and simmer until the daikon becomes translucent and the sauce becomes thick.

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